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I’ve been volunteering with non-profit animal groups for over 20 years.  The one thing they all have in common is the need for funding.  It’s always a struggle and now it’s even more critical given the state of the economy and the overflowing capacity at the Pima Animal Care Center. Friends of PACC is the non-profit associated with the Pima Animal Care Center.  They provide funding for animals that may need to seek outside specialty care.  They help families in financial need that would otherwise have to relinquish pets by helping with medical care and pet supplies.  They also provide funding for training of pets that may have behavioral issues.  They’ve established Lovely’s Fund that is restricted for the care of abused and neglected pets.  Additionally, they are raising money for the PACC Rescue Rover that will allow PACC veterinarians and technicians to go out into the community to provide care to include vaccinations and microchipping.  Your donations can make a difference and save some lives.  I am fundraising for them and hope you can help. Thank you.


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