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Beads of Courage is an arts in medicine program which provides chronically and terminally ill children and their families to visualize their journey through strings of beads.  There are beads for various medical procedures, tests, travel for treatment, and even for marking milestones in treatment.  BoC also has fun programs where members of the community can carry a pair of beads on their adventures and then share one of the beads with a BoC kid along with its story - those are favorites!  Some notable special beads include a pewter space shuttle which traveled on Columbia, and beads that ran the entire Iditarod sled dog race.  I have carried beads on a number of my scuba dives, cycling rides and triathlons - you can see some of them on my string in my profile picture - those beads continue to dive, race, and ride with me.  Most importantly, my step-son Landon, who has a rare genetic disease, is a Beads of Courage kid, so helping to raise money and awareness for BoC is a huge thing for me.

Beads of Courage is primarily donation and volunteer run - every step from creating the beads, to packaging them for shipment are performed by volunteers.  Money raised helps to more children to the program, which includes 60,000 children in 9 countries.  

Please donate today - even $5 helps.  Thank you very much.


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

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