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My Story

The Event

The Cause

My Supporters

Hi, friends! Hi, family! 

I'm going to keep it short and sweet. I'm crazy and so are my SIX03 friends. Because we're all heading back to Vermont to compete in the VT100 on July 15. Yes, this is the 100 mile endurance race. Yes, 100 miles of running. Yes, all at once. Yes, I know you don't even like driving that far. And YES, above all, this is for a great cause - VT Adaptive Ski & Sports.

All proceeds benefit this nonprofit to help disabled people get outside to enjoy sports and recreational programs as well as wellness and environmental retreats. So, if you can help me and my SIX03 team raise some more funds for this effort, we'd be more than grateful.

SIX03 has been the top fundraising team the past 2 years in a row, and we need your help to keep up the awesome work for a 3rd year. Our goal is to raise as much as we can and to drive as much awareness as possible to this ultimate cause.

If you can donate to the cause, terrific. If you can't, no biggie. I love you all! 

Yours always,  


Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports is a nationally recognized nonprofit organization that empowers people of all disabilities through inclusive sports and recreational programming regardless of ability to pay. In addition to sports, year round programming options integrate environmental, holistic wellness, and competitive training philosophies for people of all ages with cognitive, developmental, physical and emotional/behavioral disabilities.    The organization believes sports and recreation provide a physical, mental and social experience that is immeasurable in promoting self-confidence and independence in an individual.

With nearly 400 active volunteer instructors, plus generous partners and sponsors, and an amazing base of clients and friends, Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports has been at the forefront of sports and recreation for those with disabilities in New England for nearly 30 years. Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports is committed to empowering individuals with disabilities. We promote independence and further equality through access and instruction to sports and recreational activities.

The VT 100 is one of Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports biggest fund raisers every year. For more information about Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports:


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

My Team

PledgeReg is the integrated fundraising tool for all athleteReg registration sites: BikeReg, RunReg, TriReg, and SkiReg. The PledgeReg system allows events to have a personalized fundraising page for each participant as well as event-wide and team fundraising.

Learn more about PledgeReg