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Welcome to my fundraising page for Phoenix Bikes! 

on August 1 my sublings & I will be honoring our Parents, Hank & Becky Dunbar, by doing our own bike rides to support Phoenix Bikes via Team Hank & Becky Dunbar.  Phoenix Bikes is a non-profit organization that promotes biking by refurbushing old bikes and giving them to under privileged children.  My brother Henry worked for Phoenix Bikes for years and has continued to support the group.  After our Parent's passed away in 2018 he started participating in the Phoenix Bike fund raisiing ride in honor of our Parents.  This year with the Covid-19 pandemic, this event was cancelled and they are asking potential participants to have their own rides.  I agreed to join with my siblings who will all be hosting their own rides; Effie in Seattle, Kathy in Chicago, and Henry in Arlington,  my ride will be in Kodiak Alaska.  An approximate 50 miler, pretty much the full length of the pavement in Kodiak.  Narrow cape, where the pavement ends to town. Please help with this great cause by donating what you can. 


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The Event


The Cause


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PledgeReg is the integrated fundraising tool for all athleteReg registration sites: BikeReg, RunReg, TriReg, and SkiReg. The PledgeReg system allows events to have a personalized fundraising page for each participant as well as event-wide and team fundraising.

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