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Welcome to my fundraising page for Phoenix Bikes! My siblings and I are riding in honor of our parents whom we lost during the summer of 2018.  Our father died from a form of blood cancer which had been diagnosed about 7 months prior.  Tragically as family members had flown to Anchorage for our Dad’s funeral, our Mom passed from a heart attack in the driveway as were preparing to go to the funeral home for our Fathers private viewing.  His funeral was postponed, and we buried them together a few days later.  The trauma and shock of that day’s events has bonded us in deeper ways than we would have imagined.  Earlier in the summer we were visiting while they were both alive and relatively well and decided to go for a bike ride on the beautiful coastal trail in town. That ride inspired me, reminding me of a long-forgotten ambition I had to ride in the STP (Seattle to Portland) bike ride. Being middle aged and overweight, it seemed a lofty goal at the time, but my siblings said they would fly to Seattle to ride with me.  Mom was supportive, saying she would cheer us on, Dad did not say much.  The STP of course, has been cancelled due to COVID-19.  This opportunity to honor their memory as a virtual team is the perfect alternative and I am excited to participate.  Good news, in preparation for STP I have lost most of the unwanted weight.  The other great news is that this is for a wonderful cause that supports inner city youth and promotes the sport of bicycling.  My brother Henry Thomas has been involved with this organization for many years and I love that we get to support him and hope that you will support me with a donation of any amount.


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

My Team

PledgeReg is the integrated fundraising tool for all athleteReg registration sites: BikeReg, RunReg, TriReg, and SkiReg. The PledgeReg system allows events to have a personalized fundraising page for each participant as well as event-wide and team fundraising.

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