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An estimated 1,237,824 people in the US are living with blood cancers.  Approximately every 9 minutes, someone in the US dies from a blood cancer. This statistic represents approximately 160 people each day, or more than six people every hour. Leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma are expected to cause the deaths of an estimated more than 60,000 people in the US in 2019. Blood cancer attacks indiscriminately and these statistics all have attached faces and names, some very young, others old, but all with the same challenge, to survive. 

In 2004 Norman deLeuze entered my clinic with a deadly form of Mantle Cell Lymphoma. He was a highly intelligent, aeronautical engineer turned winemaker. This is where the Crush Challenge began! He believed chemotherapy was poisonous and there had to be a less toxic approach to treating his cancer. He discovered a naturopathic remedy developed in Hungary (a fermented wheat germ product) that remarkably shrunk his lymphoma. This experience was transformative in my career and taught me to “think outside the box”. In 2007 Norman lost his battle with cancer but his wife Rosa Lee, the deLeuze family and ZD wines carried on Norman’s quest to find a non-toxic cure.

Drug development costs are skyrocketing.  Forbes recently estimated that it costs $350 million for a company to get one drug from the lab to patients. Currently you have to have evidence that an agent is potentially effective before anyone will invest in it. Thus, innovative ideas such as ours are difficult to develop as no one will invest in them without preliminary data.  This is why we need your help! 

 Based on the difficulty of acquiring funding for innovative and alternative treatments, the deLeuze family and I established a collaborative relationship to develop this promising product and other non-toxic approaches to cancer. Since then ZD and the deLeuze family have raised over $1,000,000 to support this promising research. In 2010 the deLeuze family created the endowment for a Non-toxic cure for lymphoma. To date our efforts, have translated into prominent publications, a patent, and external/national funding that exceeds 1 million dollars.

Norman deLeuze fostered an idea that with your help, we will take to the next level where those who are ravaged by this cancer will have their lives given back to them. No more chemo and the disabling side effects that accompany its introduction into one’s body.

No donation is too small, and most importantly I would ask that you forward our story to a friend.  We must network to accomplish our goals.  A small investment into innovative ideas allow the validation of those concepts and this then facilitates larger investments.  We need to be able to acquire those monies in order to continue this journey of discovery.  Cancer spreads until it overcomes and our job is to collaborate and disable this disease.  I, like Norman, believe that this path is not only innovative but a proven vessel to eradicate, control and/or redirect this malady.  I see the faces of the victims of this disease daily, but I also carry with me the kindness of those whose faces I will never see and yet they support me in this challenge to CRUSH cancer.  Please join us as we cannot do this alone.



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