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My Story

The Event

The Cause

My Supporters

Cycling. Great Food and Wine. Good Friends and Family. Fantastic Causes. The Crush Challenge has it all. I am riding in memory of Norman deLeuze, my father-in-law and the founder of the deLeuze Family Foundation for a non-toxic cure for cancer. As many of you know, this partnership between ZD Wines and UC Davis medical center supports research led by Dr. Joseph Tuscano at the UC Davis Health – Comprehensive Cancer Center and the UC Davis Professorship. The other worthy recipient of funds raised from this event is the Napa Chapter of the Boys and Girls Club.


Please join me in the supporting the Crush Challenge by either riding, attending the marketplace, donating or all three. Thank you for your support.



Natalie deLeuze


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

My Team

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