Thank you for taking the time to visit this page and considering making a donation. The Susan Mast Foundation has been an invaluable resource to my family during the course of my mom's illness. They've connected us to people, organizations and other resources that have been immensely helpful to us.
Through this process, I've learned that having a strong support network is essential in a situation like this. I'm grateful to all of the family and my mom's friends, old and new, that have helped out over the recent years, both at our home and in past PedALS walks. It's always a special day for my mom to see all of the people supporting her in one place. This situation would be a lot different without all the support we receive.
Thanks again! I hope you consider donating so The Susan Mast Foundation can continue doing their incredible work with families in W. Michigan.
For more info on the event, please visit: PEDALS
Bike Ride - Sunday, September 18, 2022 @ Cannonsburg
Walk/5k - Sunday, September 25, 2022 @ Dwight Lydell Park
The mission of the Susan Mast ALS Foundation is to provide excellent support to ALS patients, families and caregivers living in West Michigan. Our services focus on all areas of need for the regional ALS community.