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My Story

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Hello, I want to start off by letting you know how much I appreciate your time that you are taking to read this. As you most likely are aware, mental health has come to the forefront of many stories over the last decade. Especially since the lockdowns of 2020. Mental health issues, along with mental illness is a part of many of our lives. The  range of it varies incredibly on the scale of minor to major. Many of us either have an issue that we deal with personally or we know someone who has a mental health challenge. I have personally dealt with an anxiety disorder my whole life but did not realize it until I was forty years old. I am one of the fortunate ones that once I realized I had an issue through my own research I was able to talk with a doctor to put me on a better path. I have been blessed to be able to have a much better life over the last sixteen years due to awareness, medicine, self help and most importantly not feeling embarassed to share my story and owning who I am. Unfortunately there are those that never get past the hurt and hopelessness that is within them even with help. The inner struggle and pain that people go through can often be hard for others to understand but it is very real for them.

In the last many years I have lost too many friends to suicide and had a very close friend attempt to take her life. These events had a big impact on me. I was introduced to the Ride for Mental Health through my very close friend Beth Atwood. Beth lost her brother due to his struggles with his mental health fight. The sad part is, is that at this moment counseling and medicine isn't enough for some people. Beth wanted to do something to honor her brother in an unselfish way. A way that may help others in the future overcome struggles that some people can't today. Beth asked me if I would ride the fifty mile loop and to be a part of Team Shake It Off. I was happy to say yes to support her and her efforts but I also have my own personal reasons for wanting to be a member of her team. So it began in 2021 as a fifty miler. In 2022, on a very hot day I might add, we did the fifty mile route then added 25 more as a team with a team member who was less experienced of a rider but wanted to participate, for a total of 75 miles. Beth's husband Bob and my wife Di, were our support crew after they volunteered helping other cyclist for the first part of the day. Bob and Di have always been mine and Beth's cheerleaders over the years as we have taken on different physical challenges.

In 2020 I road my first hundred mile ride to raise money for a different charity. It was canceled due to Covid but I still felt obligated to ride on my own because friends and family had already donated. Although I did it with the help of Beth Atwood and my wife Di, it was done on a rather flat coarse. This year I am attempting to ride a total of 105 miles with a altitude change of 3900 ft on the front half and 2000 ft on the back fifty. I'm excited to try to accomplish something I have never done but also I am using this opportunity to raise money to spread awareness for a worthy and incredible cause. I really dislike asking for donations because it is outside of my comfort zone. I would appreciate any consideration you may have in supporting this endeavor. A dollar, a dime or even just a kind word of encouragement would mean so much. This is very important to me because of the friends I have lost but moreso it is important for me to support my good friend Beth to help in healing her loss. Thanks so much. God bless.


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

My Team

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