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<p>Le Centre de recherche Douglas est le plus important centre de recherche en sant&eacute; mentale au Qu&eacute;bec. Son objectif est de promouvoir la sant&eacute; mentale et le bien-&ecirc;tre &agrave; travers la compr&eacute;hension des causes, du traitement et de la pr&eacute;vention des troubles psychiatriques en appliquant des m&eacute;thodes scientifiques de pointe aux d&eacute;fis particuliers pos&eacute;s par les&nbsp;<a href="">maladies mentales</a>. Nos &eacute;quipes d&eacute;veloppent une gamme continue de comp&eacute;tences allant des d&eacute;couvertes scientifiques aux programmes sursp&eacute;cialis&eacute;s qui supportent des patients partout dans la province.</p><p>La mission de la Fondation Douglas est d&rsquo;unir les meilleurs cerveaux et de se donner les moyens d&rsquo;am&eacute;liorer la sant&eacute; mentale de tous, aujourd&rsquo;hui et demain. Aidez-nous &agrave; b&acirc;tir l&rsquo;espoir pour ceux qui souffrent de&nbsp;<a href="">maladies mentales</a>.</p><p>Ensemble, nous pouvons b&acirc;tir l&#39;espoir!</p><p>***</p><p>The Douglas Research Center is the most important mental health research center in Quebec. Its aim is to promote mental health and well-being through a better understanding of the causes, treatment and prevention of psychiatric disorders by applying cutting edge scientific methods to the particular challenges posed by&nbsp;<a href="">mental illness</a>. Our teams are developing a continuous set of skills ranging from scientific discoveries to super-specialized programs that support patients all over the province.</p><p>The Douglas Foundation&rsquo;s mission is to unite great minds and build resources to improve the mental health of all, today and tomorrow. Help us to build hope for all those who are suffering from&nbsp;<a href="">mental illness</a>.</p><p>Let&#39;s build hope together!</p>


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